Care Economy and the Burden of Housewives’ Work in Indonesia


care work
care economy
social reproduction

How to Cite

Sigiro, A. N. (2018). Care Economy and the Burden of Housewives’ Work in Indonesia. Jurnal Perempuan, 23(4), 249–258.


Social reproduction role by women are mostly unpaid, which are done in the context of social relation within household or family. In the context of macro economy, care work for family are often overlooked, furthermore are often not being considered as productive work that contribute to the economy. This situation bring overburden to women and the lack of appreciation toward care work in Indonesia. This article was written based on a national survey conducted in 2018 in 34 provinces in Indonesia. The survey measured the care work’s burden of housewives, and public perception towards care economy that are run by housewives in Indonesia.


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All Writen material, unless otherwise stated, is the copyright of Jurnal Perempuan. View expressed in articles and letter are those of the contributors, and not neccasarily those of publisher.


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